
Matoshri Education Society's

Matoshri Aasarabai Polytechnic, Eklahare, Nashik

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, Directorate of Technical Education Mumbai College Code:5256
Affiliated to Maharastra State Board Of Technical Education Mumbai, College Code:1170

  1. Establish their careers in the field of Electrical Engineering and related areas, providing innovative and effective solutions.
  2. Establish themselves as entrepreneur, work in research and development organization and pursue higher education.
  3. Involve in continuous learning through state-of-the-art technologies for solving societal problems using logical and flexible approaches in decision-making.

At the end of the program, Electrical Engineering students will be able to :

  1. Ability to utilize logical and technical skills to model, simulate and analyses electrical components and systems.
  2. Empowering to provide socially acceptable technical solutions to real time electrical engineering problems with the application of modern and appropriate techniques for sustainable development.
  1. Basic And Discipline Specific Knowledge:
    Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to solve the Electrical engineering problems.
  2. Problem Analysis:
    Apply Electrical Engineering knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical related problems.
  3. Design/ Development Of Solutions :
    Plan to perform experiment and practices to use the result to solve broad based Electrical engineering problems.
  4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing:
    Apply relevant Electrical Technology and tools with an understanding of the limitation.
  5. Engineering Practices For Society, Sustainability And Environment:
    Assess social, health, safety, legal and culture issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the practice in field of electrical engineering. Also for sustainable development practices in social and environmental context.
  6. Project Management:
    Apply Electrical Engineering include a combination of technical skills, knowledge and project management abilities.
  7. Life-Long Learning:
    Engage in independent and life long learning activities in the contex of technology change also in the Electrical Engineering and allied industry.